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To ensure your audience isn’t confused by what you offer, it’s important to have consistency throughout your brand and marketing material. So, why is it so important that your design is consistent? Because it’s confusing if your brand and design is inconsistent.

Consistency builds trust in your brand

Consistency in your design is an important part of your business because it helps your audience understand what you’re all about. It’s also imperative for your audience to feel like they can trust you and associate with your brand. Consistent design can comfort your audience, thus creating trust. The more that people see your consistent brand design, the more they will connect with it. This is why it’s incredibly important to keep your design consistent.

For example, a website that has a different menu every time you click on an item would be confusing for the user. Just like changing the font and colour used in your marketing material would cause confusion. People look for the consistency in your brand to build trust.

Consistent design saves time

If your designer has a clear style guide and rules to follow, this will in turn save time and money. The colours, fonts and styling options are unique to your brand and this will make it easy for your designer to create consistent content. If your brand doesn’t have a style guide, it would be a good idea to hire a designer to create one for you. If you’re rebranding, this is something that you should talk to your graphic designer about as well. To keep your styling consistent, it’s important to hire only one graphic designer / web developer as they will learn your brand inside and out. Therefore they will create consistent content simply through understanding your brand and style so well.

Overall, consistent design will help your brand become one that people can trust. It can be tempting to try new things to refresh your look. However it’s important to know when you’ve taken it too far. Talk with your designer and see what they can do with your existing brand to create eye catching content. You’ll be surprised what’s possible with your existing style.

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