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5 Key Questions for Website Design | Featured Image

We’ve outlined the elements of a great website and the importance of your web presence for your brand. But what information do you need to provide us to make the most of your website design?

There’s quite a bit that goes into the design and development of a website. This includes knowledge in software, design trends, user behaviour and much more. It’s important that you make it clear what you want before the design process begins.

Below are 5 things we need to know before designing your website:

1. Who is your target audience?

We’ve talked about the importance of understanding who your target audience is in a previous blog post. And it’s something that pops up often as it’s one of the most important things for your graphic or web designer to know and understand. Having a clear outline of who your target audience is will create a framework for how your website will function. It’ll also determine how your users will navigate the website.

2. What’s your call to action?

This point flows on from the first one, what do you want your audience to do when they’ve arrived at your website? This needs to be very clear from the first page they reach.

3. What will your site map look like?

A site map outlines your navigation and every single page that’s linked to your site. It also shows how each page connects with one another, thus creating an easy to understand website for your customers. It’s important to think about your site map early on in the process. In fact, it should be one of the first things you do before even talking to your designer. You can create an Excel document with the information, or even draw your site map on a piece of paper. Your designer may be able to assist with the best way to present your navigation as well, so be sure to talk about this with them, as there are a number of important factors to consider aside from design, like SEO ( Search Engine Optimisation ) for instance.

4. Do you have a deadline for your website?

It’s important to keep in mind the time frame in which a website can be completed in. There’s not a clear amount of time it takes for every single web project. A large eCommerce website is going to take much longer than a one page landing website. Be sure to talk to us about your timeline and what you’re wanting to get out of the project. It might be possible for us to create a landing page with a clear call to action until your website has been fully setup.

5. What is your budget?

Letting your designer know a budget for your website will determine what’s possible. Will you have a template website or a custom built one? We’ve outlined the difference between template vs custom built websites, and it’s important to remember that you won’t regret investing in a high quality website. It’s where most customers go for goods and services in this day and age.

Your website is one of the most important parts of your brand. It’s the place where customers will go to either purchase your products or find out more about what you do and connect with your business. Thinking about the above questions before approaching a web designer can help clarify what you need. It will also result in a website that your target audience can truly connect with.

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